

You Don’t Pay Us…WE PAY YOU!!!

(Isn’t that the way that it’s supposed to be?)


This program is FREE: No sign-up fees, no application fees, no yearly or monthly fees, no movie system fees, no inventory to buy, no auto-ships… just FREE FREE FREE!

Our travel course “How to Get Paid to Take Luxury Vacations with People!” lets people in on one of the travel industry’s biggest secrets…the FANTASTIC LIFESTYLE of the Group Travel Organizer. You can access this course now at www.vacationcareers.com

Did you know you can make $120 every time someone you referred buys the Write Your Own Ticket! Course? How is this possible? Well, all you have to do is refer them to the Write Your Own Ticket! online travel business course, by giving them our FREE Intro travel course ( www.VacationCareers.com ) by sending them a link that we provide to you from our awesome referral program (also known as an Affiliate Program). And when they buy the course, we will send you $120!

It is that easy!


Best of all it’s FREE!


Unlike most business opportunities out there, we don’t charge you…


This is soooo easy. Every time you give someone your link (a special URL with your personal code in it), and they click on your link…a “cookie” stores your information on their computer. So, even if they don’t buy the course right away, as long as that cookie is in place, you will get credit for the sale. Even if they buy a year from now, as long as your cookie is on their computer, you get paid!

The only thing you have to do, is share your link. There’s no paper work. No phone calls. No fees to pay. No selling. No telling. No meetings. Oh…well I guess you will have to cash the checks, unless you want to get paid via paypal…then you won’t even have to do that.

And it get’s better! Every time you refer someone that then also becomes an affiliate, you will get paid for every sale that they make as well! We will pay you a whomping $80 for every sale that your referred affiliates make! So you get paid, when they are doing the sharing. Meanwhile, you could be sleeping, eating, swimming…doing anything! They share…you get paid!


So let’s summarize:

1. Just for sharing a link to our website, we will pay you $120 for every sale generated by your personal affiliate link.

2. We will also pay you $80 for every sale that is made by other affiliates that you referred to our affiliate program!.

3. There is no charge to for our Affiliate Program. It is FREE.

4. There are no limits to the amount of people that you can refer to the Write Your Own Ticket! course, or to our affiliate program (or both!). And there are no limits to the amount of money that you can make through this program.


Ask yourself these questions:

Do you know anyone that might like to learn how to get paid to take vacations? (There are thousands of people out there!)

Do you know anyone that might enjoy making some extra money with a FREE online affiliate program? (There must be millions of people!)


No product purchase is ever required to become an affiliate. And there are also no fees, or sales requirements. No downlines. No uplines. (This is not MLM!) No selling. No telling. All you have to do is share a link. It is very simple. It is very straight forward, and it can be extremely lucrative!

1. Get Signed Up!

Click Here Now for the Sign-up Form


NOTE: Once you have signed up, you need to check your email for your username and password that lets you into our members section. Here you will be able to get powerful tools to help you with your business, and you will be able to track your results, and see your commissions as they pile up!

There is a link to the members section at the top of this website.

Many students find that this is a way that they can supplement their incomes as Group Travel Organizers. Our affiliate program offers a great deal of freedom and flexibility, which makes it the ideal companion business.

 WARNING: Do not under estimate the power of this program!!!